
Showing posts from September, 2020

EME Blog 4

  I decided to choose grades 11-12 th   from the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA because I feel as though these grades are     valuable years for learning a student can receive because they’re close to jumping into the “real world.” I chose standard LAFS.1112.RST.3.7     because it is the standard that informs one that they should be able to incorporate and understand various streams of information presented in several formats and media in order to address and solve issues. I find this to be important because when these students either go off to college or land a job they will be presented     with topics from digital sources that needs to be addressed and be expected to address those well. With my current skill I believe I would not be prepared to implement this standard to 11 th   and 12 th   graders because they use Word, Excel, Pixlr, Photoshop, and Tuva. I’ve used most if not all of these tools on multiple occasions howeve...

EME Blog 3

  Copyright and fair use are very important to me, especially since I come from a musical family. Copyright is the legal right to use, publish, print or record in form of content with certain guidelines. Without this, the original owner of that content wouldn’t be recognized or paid for their work. It’ll almost be as if someone plagiarized their content. If I was an instructor I would probably do a few lessons on copyright and fair use, then try to find some creative activity the students could do so they could truly understand the concept.     If I was an instructor I would probably encourage and enforce the rules on cyber bullying as well as academic dishonesty. Cyber bullying should not be tolerated especially because I believe it’s a cowardice act. I would try to encourage my students to get to know each other better, and show them the benefits of not bullying someone as well as separate any students that would have a problem with each other. The next concept I would ...


  I find it funny that we’re talking about Microsoft Word this week on the blog assignment because I’m currently using Microsoft Word to type out my response before posting it on the blog. I have a good deal of experience with Microsoft Word, I use it for almost every project. Instead of inserting or typing in the text box; say for a discussion board or in this case a blog, I will type it up in Word then copy and paste it to whatever site or platform it’s supposed to go in. I honestly prefer Word more than any other platform to be honest because it’s so easy and assessable to use.     The ISTE Standards for Educators standard that resonates with me the most is Leader. Leaders tend to steer, mold and improve a common goal for education. They help those who have learning preferences with technology. They seek out ways to motivate and support students so they they may improve on their teaching, which opens up ways for them to improve on their learning. I think this one is im...


  Bonjour, my name is Stephen Fryson III and no, I’m not from France but I’m currently learning French. I’m on my second decade of life, and all praise goes to God for bringing me this far. Lord willing I’ll see many more decades. If you can’t guess from my last 2 sentences, I am indeed a Christian. My passion is in film and in acting, and like most actors…I am unemployed, for now. So Lord willing you all will be able to see me on the big screen sometime soon.     Of course I have some experience with technology in the educational setting, I feel as though it’ll be impossible not to. However my experience is little to none  in my opinion. I’ve used my phone  and school computers on numerous occasions. Mainly using apps such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Canvas, Canva. I’ve also used various social media platforms that includes Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok(unfortunately).    Google is always a go to for me when I’m looking for an...