EME Blog 4
I decided to choose grades 11-12 th from the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA because I feel as though these grades are valuable years for learning a student can receive because they’re close to jumping into the “real world.” I chose standard LAFS.1112.RST.3.7 because it is the standard that informs one that they should be able to incorporate and understand various streams of information presented in several formats and media in order to address and solve issues. I find this to be important because when these students either go off to college or land a job they will be presented with topics from digital sources that needs to be addressed and be expected to address those well. With my current skill I believe I would not be prepared to implement this standard to 11 th and 12 th graders because they use Word, Excel, Pixlr, Photoshop, and Tuva. I’ve used most if not all of these tools on multiple occasions howeve...